Monday Aug 21, 2023
S10E2 - Cinematherapy: How Not To Live In Your Twenties
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
To listen to the full episode, check out our Patreon Page - http://patreon.com/theyellowpillpod
To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - https://bit.ly/typs10e2
#About the episode
The reasons why everyone says your 20s are consequential aren’t arbitrary. For a simple fact, your 30s will be full of many more responsibilities that make changes in life directions complicated."Frances Ha" is a movie that preaches the idea of being at peace with not having things figured out in your 20s.Our cinematherapy episode shows it’s not that simple.We tell you why, and we demonstrate an example of how not to live in your twenties.For our introspective 20-somethings, this is for you!
Before you go, here are a few ways to support the podcast!
Become a TYP Patreon ♥️ - http://patreon.com/theyellowpillpod
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Ask us anything - http://bit.ly/typauas10
Follow us on Instagram (@theyellowpillpod) 📷
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Monday Aug 14, 2023
S10E1 - Auditing Our Twenties
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - https://bit.ly/typs10e1
You can also Ask us Anything! : http://bit.ly/typauas10
NEW EPISODE! NEW SEASON! The stars are definitely aligning. Here’s why.
We’d just turned 27 when we launched the first season of this podcast (if my maths are correct lol)
The original name of this podcast was “20s Convos”.
The very first episode in Season 1 was titled “What might our 30s look like”.
And now, in perhaps poetic fashion, the year we both turned 30 marks the 10th season of this podcast.
So as we approach a new season, not only of the podcast but in life, it’s only right that we look back, and take an audit, before going forward!
In this episode, we reflect on our 20s to highlight and make sense of all the significant events, people, and environments that have shaped our 30-year-old self so far.
Turning 30 comes with different emotions for different people. But as Kierkegaard said, “Life can only be understood backwards: but it must be lived forward”.
Ageing is inevitable, it’s what you do with it that counts. And for us, turning 30 begins with a pursuit of understanding the last decade backwards.
Before you go, here are a few ways to support the podcast!
Become a TYP Patreon ♥️ - http://patreon.com/theyellowpillpod
Leave us a rating & review where you're listening right now! 💫
Follow us on Instagram (@theyellowpillpod) 📷
Follow us on Twitter(X?) (@yellowpill_pod) 🐦
Monday Aug 07, 2023
S10E0 - Coming up this season
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - https://bit.ly/typs10e0
Your favourite podcasters are back for the 10th season of The Yellow Pill Podcast! 🎉
In this trailer episode, we'll give you a sneak peek of the amazing themes we'll cover this season, as well as the changes we've made to our episode schedule. We're also introducing some new segments to the podcast that we think you'll love!
Don't forget to check out all the links we mentioned in the episode:
TYP on Patreon - http://patreon.com/theyellowpillpod
TYP Ask Us Anything - http://bit.ly/typauas10
If you've missed us and can't wait for episode one next week. Here's how you can encourage us!
Become a TYP Patreon ♥️ - http://patreon.com/theyellowpillpod
Leave us a review where you're listening right now! 💫
Ask us anything - http://bit.ly/typauas10
Follow us on Instagram (@theyellowpillpod) 📷
Follow us on Twitter(X?) (@yellowpill_pod) 🐦
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Back With The Doses!
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
It's time for your weekly dose of the pill that does the most...
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Looking Back on Season 9
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - https://bit.ly/typs9e21
We can't believe it's already the "final-final" episode of the season!
Looking back on the amazing ninth season of the Yellow Pill podcast, we couldn't be more pleased with how everything turned out.
On this recap episode, we spoke about some of the new things we tried this season, like changing up the format and experimenting with different narrative structures.
We also shared some insights from our Yellow Pill Junkies campaign in the first half of the season, and we were thrilled to announce the two winners of the Amazon voucher prizes for those who took part in the survey!
Thank you so much for participating, and we can't wait to bring your suggestions and recommendations to life in the best way possible.
We're super thankful for all the love and support you've shown us this season, and we'd be totally stoked if you could do us a solid and share our podcast with at least one friend this week!
Oh, and before we go, here are the links to the different projects we mentioned during the episode:
The Nigerian Constitution Project on Instagram - https://instagram.com/thenigerianconstitution1999
The Yellow Pill Podcast on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@theyellowpillpod
Monday Jun 05, 2023
S9E20 - Cinematherapy: A Further Exercise in Self-Awareness
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - https://bit.ly/typs9e20
Our final episode of the season for cinematherapy aimed to shed light on frameworks for self-awareness. It was quite a challenge finding a movie that could express this concept, as it seems rare to produce a work of fiction with self-awareness as the primary theme.
So, we decided to focus on not one, but two different movies! One of them was recommended by our TYP fam (Nocturnal Animals [2016]), and the other was something we had in mind (The Perks of Being a Wallflower [2012]). Despite having different messages, both movies share a cryptic ending that we're still trying to decipher.
In this episode, you'll gain a better understanding of self-awareness and its potential dangers in excess. You'll also experience our frustration as we try to unpack how self-awareness can both alleviate and aggravate negative emotions.
Thank you for joining us this season! It has been an absolute blast, and we still have one more episode after this to recap what has been a five-month season.
See you soon! x
Monday May 29, 2023
S9E19 - An Exercise in Self-Awareness
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - https://bit.ly/typs9e19
Have you ever thought about the complicated dance of understanding yourself from the inside and also knowing how others perceive you?
In this penultimate episode of the season, we took a look at the intricate interplay between self-awareness within and how you come across to others. It's a big deal for personal growth and relationships, so we threw some light on its importance.
Throughout the episode, we explored how these two aspects of self-awareness are connected and how they affect the choices we make and the way we interact with the world.
In the end, self-awareness is a pretty big idea that can mean a lot or a little depending on who you ask.
So, what does it mean to you?
Monday May 22, 2023
S9E18 - #Cinematherapy: Dating and Punching Up
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - https://bit.ly/typs9e18
In this #cinematherapy episode, the movie "Hitch" provided a great example to help us understand the idea of dating outside of one's league.
Even though the movie stars Will Smith as Hitch, our attention is drawn to Albert, the underdog of the story, who is in love with a rich, powerful, and beautiful woman named Allegra. If you’ve seen the movie, you know that Albert eventually wins Allegra's heart.
In this episode, we wanted to explore the ups and downs of "punching way up" in the dating world. As we delved deeper into the topic, we uncovered some thought-provoking themes around self-improvement, masculinity, social hierarchies, power dynamics, and overcoming insecurities.
Although the discussion had a focus on men, we arrived at a shared understanding of the value of confidence, perseverance, and authenticity in "the chase". We also established a part of a future collection we're calling the "yellow pill frameworks" for anyone who finds themselves in Albert's situation 😉
Monday May 15, 2023
S9E17 - Out of Your League?
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - https://bit.ly/typs9e17
Have you ever felt like someone was out of your league?
It's a common feeling, but in this podcast episode, we explored the idea that it might not be the best way to think about ourselves and others.
We delved into the scientific theories that have contributed to the concept of being "out of one's league." But we also talked about how complex the subjectivity and objectivity of social desirability, self-value, and self-worth can be especially in the search for a partner.
We chose to explore this topic because as we've gotten older, it’s a wicked problem that tends to sneak up on those who still have to navigate a dating pool.
Overall, this episode reminds us to shift our perspective when we get caught up in comparing ourselves to others. Instead, it's important to focus on our own personal growth and celebrate the things that make us unique when going into conversations about dating.
Monday May 08, 2023
S9E16 - Cinematherapy: Living to Work or Working to Live
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - https://bit.ly/typs9e16
On this edition of #Cinematherapy, Wole and Tobi discuss the iconic movie "The Devil Wears Prada" (2006), which explores the balance between work and personal life.
The movie follows aspiring journalist Andrea as she becomes the assistant to the demanding Miranda Priestly in the high fashion industry. It depicts Andrea's transformation as she navigates the challenges of a demanding job that threatens to consume her personal life.
Wole and Tobi break down some important scenes and delve into themes of ambition, fulfillment, and the compromises we make for success. They explore questions like: Is it really possible to have everything we want? What are the things we're willing to give up? And how do we stay sane through it all?
Finally, they wrap up with some tips on how to set boundaries, take care of ourselves, and find a happy balance between work and personal life.
Monday May 01, 2023
S9E15 - What We Get Wrong About Work-Life Balance
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - https://bit.ly/typs9e15
Work-Life Balance
Do you have a good understanding of what "work-life balance" means? It's a term we hear a lot, but have you ever stopped to think about what the "balance" part really refers to?
Let's take a moment to consider some more questions together:
Do you think work-life balance is the same for everyone, regardless of age or stage of life? For instance, is the balance needed by a 28-year-old the same as that needed by a 41-year-old? Moreover, do you think it's possible to achieve the ultimate success we all dream of while still maintaining a healthy work-life balance? And finally, how certain are we that our work and personal lives can always be kept separate?
The questions surrounding this topic are endless, making it a "wicked problem."
Many of us are concerned about achieving a good work-life balance. However, it's essential to recognize that everyone's situation is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. In fact, some people online may push their idealized version of work-life balance onto others, which can create feelings of guilt or inadequacy.
Overall, there's a case to be made that the gospel of the pursuit of work-life balance is driven by concerns about our health and well-being, as well as that of our loved ones. However, is there a one-size-fits-all solution, and should the balance look the same for everyone?
Monday Apr 24, 2023
S9E14 - Cinematherapy: Self-Love, The Key to The Unconditional
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - https://bit.ly/typs9e14
The debate on the conditions of unconditional love continued in this cinematherapy episode. To be honest, we feel this topic was one that was too complex & difficult to arrive at a consensus in 2 hours of conversation.
The movie we chose to potentially break this down further was ‘The Spectacular Now” a coming-of-age story that follows the charming and carefree high school senior, Sutter Keely, as he navigates his last year of high school with no regard for the future, until he unexpectedly falls for the sweet and studious Aimee Finicky, forcing him to confront his inner demons.
Wole wasn’t the biggest fan of our movie choice, but it’s a movie that grows on you as it edges on showing how there can be extraordinary in the everyday things with share with a love interest.
Perhaps the most important realisation we came away with at the end of this is that without self-love and pure tenderness to ourselves, unconditional love is difficult to give and receive.
Monday Apr 17, 2023
S9E13 - The Conditions of Unconditional Love
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - https://bit.ly/typs9e13
A mysterious concept, a romantic ideal, and a taken-for-granted understanding. These are three things that we feel characterize the concept of unconditional love, and in typical Yellow pill fashion, we don't take things for granted.
In the context of emerging and sustaining relationships, unconditional love is often seen as the epitome of the romantic ideal.
From wedding vows to movies to "advice consultants," we all hear people say that to love unconditionally is to declare an intention to love someone come what may.
But what does this mean in a world where conditions are set upon us by default, merely because we exist within certain forms and structures?
Because the truth is, the very moment we consider the type of relationship we desire with another, we will always be in the realm of "conditions" (be it values, likes, dislikes, temperaments, etc.).
So, what then is unconditional love in a default world where conditions cannot be escaped?
This episode was inspired by the desire to learn to love more fully and to bring to light a complex understanding that we take for granted as young adults.
Save, turn on those bells, you don't want to miss this 🔔
Monday Apr 10, 2023
S9E12 - Cinematherapy: Finding A Spark
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - https://bit.ly/typs9e12
On the latest episode of the podcast, Wole and Tobi tried to use the Ikigai framework to figure out a part of their lives connected with purpose. But, honestly, they just ended up with more questions than answers about how practical the framework was.
It was like they were in a constant state of tension - almost like the main character in Soul, a Pixar flick about a middle-school band teacher who's feeling pretty lost. He's a jazz musician at heart, but things haven't quite gone his way. When he travels to another dimension to help someone find their purpose, he starts to understand what it means to have soul.
After breaking down the plot of the movie, Wole and Tobi took some time to reflect on some of the stuff they didn't quite figure out from the last episode. But, this time, they were able to come to a better understanding of what they think is really at the heart of Ikigai - the *reason for being*.
They also talked about some of the scenes from the movie that really stood out, as the main character went on his journey of self-discovery, trying to figure out his purpose, passion, and what it really means to live a fulfilling life.
Monday Apr 03, 2023
S9E11 - Ikigai: Myth or Possibility?
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - https://bit.ly/typs9e11
You've probably stumbled upon a bunch of frameworks and popular guidelines on how to find purpose in life or discover your reason for existence.
One such concept is Ikigai, a Japanese term that translates to "the reason for being". The idea is simple: each person finds their reason for being at the intersection of what they love, what they are good at, what they can be paid for, and what the world needs.
Sounds great, doesn't it?
In this episode, we tried to apply this concept to our own lives and see if it's a useful framework. To be honest, we're not sure if we nailed it. We tried to make sense of it from a realistic perspective, taking into account cultural and economic realities, but Ikigai proved to be a tough sell 😄
Anyway, we'd love for you to give it a listen and see if it can help you out. Who knows, maybe you'll find some useful insights that we missed!###Resources
A link to the Ikigai graphic - https://bit.ly/40GVGc7
Monday Mar 27, 2023
S9E10 - Cinematherapy: Filial Responsibility & Parental Caregiving
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
To leave a comment 👉🏾 - http://bit.ly/typs9e10
."Ultimately, people age, and children need to live their lives."
This sad but true reality is beautifully portrayed in our latest cinema therapy episode, where we take a look at The Father (2020). The movie features an outstanding narrative and strong characterizations from the cast.
As we talked about last week, the topic of caring for ageing parents and filial responsibility is something that hits close to home for many of us. What makes this movie so exceptional is how it immerses us in the perspective of an ageing man with dementia, letting us see what he sees and what he doesn't.
At the same time, it gives us a chance to envision ourselves as children taking care of ageing parents, to the point where it can result in significant costs to our own lives.
🚨 - The Yellow Pill Junkies Campaign ENDS this week. Here's your LAST chance to win a £25 Amazon voucher 💳: https://lkh8vm25tg2.typeform.com/to/M1deAAPd
Monday Mar 20, 2023
S9E9 - Ageing Parents
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
✨NEW✨: To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - http://bit.ly/typs9e9
About this episode:
The way life works is that the people who give us life, raise us, support us, and care for us will eventually reach a point where they need our help and support too.
Watching our parents grow old can sneak up on us, and we may only realize it in moments of epiphany.
In this episode, the Yellow Pill Men explore the reciprocity and filial responsibility involved in supporting ageing parents. They attempt to think about their role in providing support to their elderly parents, although whether they figured it out is still up for debate. One cannot deny the complexity involved in navigating the changing responsibilities adult children face as their parents begin to age.
This episode delves into the various reasons why humans provide support to parents as they age, and how factors such as gender, socioeconomic conditions, and culture might interact with these reasons.
It's a scary conversation to have, but it's also inevitable. The reality is that many of us have already spent more time with our parents than we ever will again.
The Yellow Pill Junkies Campaign ENDS next week! Here's your chance to win a £25 Amazon voucher 💳: https://lkh8vm25tg2.typeform.com/to/M1deAAPd
Monday Mar 13, 2023
S9E8 - Cinematherapy: Blue Valentine
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
✨NEW✨: To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - https://bit.ly/typs9e8...Picking a movie for this week's cinematherapy episode was a tough call, man 😓Even after giving chatgpt some plot hints, we weren't fully sold on the options it gave us 😒In the end, we went with Blue Valentine. We're betting only a few of you out there have seen it. Wole was already second-guessing our choice just 20 minutes into the movie, but Tobi was more open to it. You be the judge of what that says about the movie itself👩🏾⚖️And for those still on the fence, here's what chatGPT had to say:"Blue Valentine is one of those movies that will leave you feeling like you just went through an emotional rollercoaster. It's raw and real, and shows a relationship that's falling apart in a way that feels all too familiar. Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams are just incredible in this movie. They bring so much depth and authenticity to their roles, and it really shows. The story itself is heartbreaking, but also relatable. It really delves into the complexities of love and the slow decay of a relationship over time. This movie is a must-see for anyone who appreciates great acting and stories that are both genuine and powerful."
The Yellow Pill Junkies Campaign ENDS soon. Here's your chance to win a £25 Amazon voucher 💳: https://lkh8vm25tg2.typeform.com/to/M1deAAPd
Monday Mar 06, 2023
S9E7 - Strangers Again
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
✨NEW✨: To leave a comment at any point during your listen, here's a link you can use - http://bit.ly/typs9e7
The Yellow Pill Junkies Campaign ENDS soon. Here's your chance to win a £25 Amazon voucher 💳: https://lkh8vm25tg2.typeform.com/to/M1deAAPd
Do you recognize this relationship cycle? The meeting with a “stranger”, the chase, the honeymoon, the comfort, the tolerance, the downhill, and then the breakup, ultimately ending up as “strangers” again.
Wolé and Tobi have been contemplating the wild nature of the lifecycle for relationships that end in breakups. Like many others, they have experienced this cycle at least once. However, being the life-nerds that they are, they cannot just accept it as part of life. In fact, they find it absurd that one person can be a stranger today, a lover tomorrow, and a stranger the day after.
Naturally, they brought these thoughts to life in a Sunday chill conversation with Faith, a lovely friend. Although her experiences differ from theirs, they are equally rich enough to confirm the craziness of this relationship cycle.
In this episode, follow the three of them as they break down the stranger to lover to stranger again cycle with the aim to experience it less.
Is it fun? Yes.
Is it deep? Yes.
Is it emotional? We'll let you decide.
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Stories from Nigeria - The Existential Election
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Anxiety, bridges burnt, and an existential tipping point. These are some of the words that best describe the upcoming Nigerian elections and the state of the nation.
Whether we like it or not, the outcomes of this upcoming Nigerian elections matter to the world.
Why? For starters, Nigeria is the most populous black country on earth, and one out of every five persons of African origin is Nigerian. In addition, even though the word ‘elections’ should suggest Nigeria is a democratic state, in reality however, Nigeria is a hybrid regime that is closer to an authoritarian regime than it is to a flawed or full democracy (The Economist, 2023).
So, back to the elections.
We decided to create this ‘out-of-schedule’ episode that contains stories and anecdotes from a dozen Nigerians who share their fears and hopes about the upcoming elections. Some expressed hope for positive change and development, many expressed concern about violence and aftermath, while a few emphasised an unwilling acceptance of whatever outcome. Regardless, it is clear that upcoming elections scheduled for February 25, 2023 (as of the time of writing this) will have both threats and opportunities of an unquantifiable scale for our country and our people.
We’ll see what happens during the weekend and release another episode after.
Please give this a listen, share, and stay tuned.
God bless 🙏🏾

The Yellow Pill Podcast
We are Wole and Tobi, childhood Nigerian friends now living on different continents & chasing different dreams.
By day, Wole is pursuing a PhD and Tobi is running a startup. By night, we become social artists by inviting guests into our learning experience.
Each week, we step outside the algorithm to take on familiar dilemmas and wicked problems and try to make sense of them.
Sometimes we reach shared understandings and single truths, other times we agree to disagree.
So if you are expecting intimate conversations, piercing thoughts, and provocative questions that can change the way you experience the world and yourself, then the yellow pill is for you.
Each dose of the yellow pill has a side-effect of unsettling truths mixed with innocent ignorance - which is exactly what we need in our strange and unsettling times.
Use the hashtag #theyellowpillpod to spread the word and follow us on Instagram: @theyellowpillpod