Monday Oct 18, 2021
S6E2 - Losing Religion
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
If you believe in a “higher power”, what do you think about others who don’t? If you don’t believe in any “higher power”, what do you think about those who do?
It’s not very common that people of different beliefs sit down together to discuss and debate their thoughts with the intention to learn and understand. This is what we tried to do in this episode with Sydney.
We sat down on our armchairs with Sydney to explore agnostic atheism and scepticism about God and aimed to prove that learning can occur in the presence of varying beliefs or stances about God without having heated or radical debates.
Without giving any spoilers, we can promise you that this episode was a fantastic conversation and a sincere discussion that is very much worth a listen regardless of your beliefs.
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Monday Oct 11, 2021
S6E1 - The ”Unwanted” Men
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
To kick off our sixth season, we tackled the concept of involuntary celibacy, and why this state of mind is perceived as a social reality by certain groups of men.
The world as we know it does not have one understanding of masculinity. While researching for this episode, we were fascinated to learn that there’s a community of men out there who have bonded over the perception that they are unable to attract women and have therefore labelled themselves victims of gendered oppression.
These are the men branded as ‘Incels’.
On this episode, we tried to make sense of such male victimhood and talked about why certain men hold hostile and violent views towards women and blame women for their low place in the social hierarchy.
We questioned whether this case of male victimhood was a ‘western’ problem or whether traits of this ideology exist within our own culture as Africans. We questioned whether African men also demonstrate male victimhood, possibly in different ways.
One conclusion we couldn’t settle on was whether the idea of male victimhood is a disease with its origins rooted in a dystopia or a symptom of something much deeper that we all have played a part in.
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Monday Oct 04, 2021
We‘re back for Season 6! (Trailer)
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Wolé and Tobi are back for the sixth season of The Yellow Pill!
Monday Sep 27, 2021
S6E0 - From 20s Convos to The Yellow Pill
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Wondering why we changed the name of the podcast? Listen to this episode to hear our back-story!
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Opinion: Trans Athletes, ADHD, and The Olympics
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Hey hey!
As part of our off-season series, we discussed trending issues at home and abroad.
In this final episode, we discussed the recently concluded Olympics in Tokyo and all the surrounding controversies.
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Monday Sep 13, 2021
Opinion: Vaccines and a Two Tier Society
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
As part of our off-season series, we discussed trending issues at home and abroad.
In this episode, we spoke about vaccine passports and the perceived implications for freedom, fairness and discrimination.
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Monday Sep 06, 2021
Opinion: Only Fans and Oligopolies
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
As part of our off-season series, we discussed trending issues at home and abroad.
In this episode, we discussed Only Fans and the business and social implications of its most recent controversy
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Monday Aug 30, 2021
Opinion: Joe and The Taliban
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Hi everyone, thanks for tuning in!
As part of our off-season series, we discussed trending issues at home and abroad.
In this episode, we discussed the Joe Biden presidency, the withdrawal of the US from Afghan, and perceptions of the Taliban.
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Monday Aug 23, 2021
S5E10 - Purpose and Ambition
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
We have all heard people say we all have a purpose to fulfil on earth and that we have to find it at all costs.
When we think of those who have found their "purpose", the immediate thoughts can often be of those who have gone on to do extraordinary things in various fields.
One may then naturally assume that everyone's purpose and ambition should be magnanimous, or should be achievements that lay on top of an arbitrary hierarchical structure.
But if someone is at the top of various kinds of hierarchies of the world, whether it is in tech, sports, fashion, medicine, or even YouTubing, then there have to be people in the middle and at the bottom, right?
And for those at the said "middle" or "bottom" of the hierarchies of life, what does the idea of purpose and ambition mean for them?
Do they not have a purpose?
Is it easy to just say they lack ambition?
Or is their position on that hierarchy their actual purpose?
If there is a reason we all exist, and if we all have a purpose, then how do we account for those who live "meaningless" lives, those who get terrible luck with a disease, those who are born into war-stricken nations, those who don’t make it to their teenage years.
Was that their purpose? Or destiny? How can we explain that?
And yes you might say, "people need more ambition, for without it purpose cannot be fulfilled". But then at what point do we account for the role opportunity, privilege, timing, nationality, and other factors play. Factors that we had no part to play in.
Of course, we know many of you will draw on philosophical or religious standings to make sense of your reason for existing on earth. And a few of you may think all of this talk is just meaningless.
In our final episode of the season with Olumide, we tried to untangle these ideas that stem from our various moments of existential crises.
We cannot say we did so successfully or not. All we can say is that we tried, and such thoughts may not be answered for a while.
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Monday Aug 16, 2021
S5E9 - ”Moral Masturbation”
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
“Sometimes I wonder if there’s such a thing as too much awareness of social causes and injustices. Some awareness is better than none. But constant awareness turns into moral masturbation at some point” - Mark Manson, (13/05/21 via Twitter)
This tweet was one of those tweets you run into that spark deep contemplation.
In the last couple of years, we can say that we have been exposed to and made aware of numerous social issues that have both been local and global. This awareness has been good for the mere fact that before the internet, most people would have otherwise been ignorant of such suffering and injustice in the world. And as Mark said, some awareness is better than none.
But can this constant awareness ultimately produce diminishing returns?
Could it be that knowing about all the bad going on becomes detrimental?
And can we sometimes be found guilty of moral self-righteousness?
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Monday Aug 09, 2021
S5E8 - The Personality Test
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
If you have seen any love-reality show out there, you have probably heard a contestant say “I love someone with a good personality”. To be honest, almost everyone says that.
We know personality matters in everything.
It helps you strike business deals, it helps you get ahead in job interviews, it helps you in romance, it can even make the difference in life or death scenarios.
So it might be fair to say most people want a ‘good’ enough personality to be desirable in the world.
But what makes a personality good?
In this episode, we got 8 of our friends to send us voice notes stating their first impressions about us, what they like and dislike, and what we should change about ourselves.
We reacted to these entries live on the recording, and it could not have been any more fun. More importantly, it was way more enlightening and useful for our personal development than we ever expected.
We hope you love this, and we encourage you all to try the same thing!
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Monday Aug 02, 2021
S5E7 - Fatherhood
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Last season, we spoke about the realities of life after birth for new mothers. It was so good we knew we had to do it twice! But this time, it had to be from the perspectives of new dads!
Because we both hope to be dads someday (later later), this episode led to moments where we took a lot of mental notes, where we laughed, and where we asked some scary controversial questions.
We sat on our armchairs with two friends, Seun and Eric, to talk about their new life as new and young dads.
We touched on their unique experience of labour day, as well as the good, bad, shocking, unexpected moments pre & post-baby. We learnt about the fears they had in those moments and the sudden feelings of knowing there was a new human being to look after.
We also caught a good glimpse of how a dad’s love begins. How that love is expressed, and how it translates into how they perceive their roles as fathers.
We think this was quite a lovely episode, and we are grateful to Seun and Eric for sharing their fatherhood journey so far with us.
A special shout out goes out to their wives as well! ;)
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Monday Jul 26, 2021
S5E6 - It‘s Never Just Hair
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
“When I was a teenager, I tried to chemically alter the natural state of my hair. I know why I did it. I was conforming to what seemed cool, classy, and maybe more ‘attractive’.
Now, I feel lucky that I didn’t have to let the chemicals rule over me into my adult years. But my hair story is not unique. It’s one of many kinds” - Wolé
In this episode, we spent 90 mins with Portia and Yemi talking about hair. Yes, hair.
Hair may seem like a mundane subject, but it has huge implications for how we as black people experience the world.
For many black women (and men), hair is not just hair. It has emotive qualities connected to our lived experience in society, regardless of where such society exists -Africa, Europe, America or beyond.
For us Africans, hair has always been deeply symbolic. For instance, how we wear our hair may have religious connotations, it may play a key socio-cultural role, and of course, it may serve as a way of self-expression.
It then only felt right that we tackle how our identity gets tied to the relationship and presentation of our hair.
We wrestled with the main narrative of Black hair issues which was centred around three dilemmas: good/bad hair, natural/unnatural, and authentic/inauthentic.
We won’t give too much away, but we learnt that no matter what a black woman does with her hair, her hair will likely influence how others respond to her.
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Monday Jul 19, 2021
S5E5 - Dealing with Grief
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
The one about life after losing a loved one.
/gri:f/ : An intense sorrow, especially caused by someone’s death.
Research suggests that we have a 100% chance of dying.
Sarcasm aside, there's a high chance 1 of 2 people reading this have said the words “I’m sorry for your loss” at some point.
Even worse, there’s also a chance some of you reading this have had those words said to you, especially after the loss of a loved one.
Grief is often not the topic of conversation on any random day. But for those who experience it, it never truly leaves their minds, even on those random days.
When you lose someone close to you, your life and identity as you know it changes. There’s a new normal.
We want to thank Ade and Bukola for joining us and co-creating a safe space to have this 100-minute conversation about grief and share their experiences about all of the above and more.
They showed us courage, truth, patience, and much more. We can’t thank them enough.
To everyone who has lost a loved one, whether recently or a long time ago, please remember grief has no expiry date and we pray you find strength not to move on, but to keep moving forward as you live with your loss. ❤️
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Monday Jul 12, 2021
S5E4 - Frugality vs Lifestyle Inflation
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Let’s talk about money, baby!! 💵
We initially thought this would be a much more serious conversation but this episode ended up being hands down one of the funniest we’ve ever done 😂. Daniel is absolute jokes!
On a real though, we wanted to compare our personal finance culture within the lines of being frugal and being lavish!
We spoke about how family and social environments influenced our finance culture. For example, would things be different if we grew up as proper princes!?😄
We discovered that we each had the tendency to be excessive on either side…so we ended up calling each other out on areas we could be more chill with our spending and areas we could be tighter.
Bottom line, this episode may not be for our wealthy friends 😂
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Monday Jul 05, 2021
S5E3 - Is Monogamy for Me?
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Depending on who you talk to, the monogamy/polygyny/polyandry debate is often dismissed at surface level. Mostly without any reflexive thought.
For example, If we asked, “is monogamy for you?” What would your answer be? And why?
In the same way, If we also asked, “can you be polygamous?”, what would your answer be? And why?
And, how do you know your answer is not only because of what seems ‘normal’?
The data available suggests that the practice and culture of monogamy has been on the decline in the last 50 years.
Sure, the attraction of multiple partners can be seductive. You get to explore more boundaries, more variety, more adventure, and perhaps more excitement.
But do these qualities extend to love, emotions, and sexuality? Or just one of them? And is it possible to experience all of this with just one partner?
We tried to answer these questions and more for ourselves, we’d love for you to join us as you try to do the same.
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Monday Jun 28, 2021
S5E2 - The Influencer Game
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
‘Everyday’ internet users who accumulate a large social media following through narrations of their lives and lifestyle, engage with their following in digital and physical spaces and monetise their following - Crystal Abidin
The popularity of influencers has consistently been on the rise, but for some reason, we never paid proper attention to the uniqueness of the craft.
Then it hit us. Influencers. This is someone who can easily redirect our attention to almost anything. This is someone we’ve never met yet but still trust their recommendations. This is someone that can easily change the minds of thousands of people. Damn. That IS influence.
It was settled, we had to have a conversation with an influencer.
So we reached out to Nonye (@thisthingcalledfashionn) and she was equally keen on having a conversation with us.
Nonye ticked all our boxes in terms of reach, impact, and a relative sense of familiarity. We hoped for someone who could be as real as possible with us. And we got that.
Amongst other things we picked up from talking to Nonye, that chat also exposed that we had unconscious biases about the humans behind the influencer labels, and realising those unconscious biases was perhaps one of the most rewarding parts of the conversation.
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More resources
Check out Venture for Africa if you're interested in working with a fast-growing tech startup in Africa.
Monday Jun 21, 2021
S5E1 - Playing Nigeria‘s House of Cards
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
The one about grassroots politics as a way forward.
Is it possible that the practical steps to change our country may be to start where we can?To find the least difficult point of infiltration? To find the Achilles heel in the political structure that we can reach?
What do you understand about “grassroots politics”?
Do you know who your local government chairman is? Do you know who your councillor is? Do you know what zone or ward you live in? Do you know why it matters if you know?
We sat down with Tiwalade to speak about this and plenty more on this first episode of our 5th season.
Tiwa ran to win a ticket to vie for the post of councillor in her ward earlier this year. She has also spent some time walking the political corridors of Lagos and to be honest, we came out of this conversation with a better understanding of what the political scene is like in the grassroots, how it is the weakest point in the armour of our political elite, and where we can start to drive change that can mean so much more in very little time.
We hope you come away with the same belief when you listen.
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Monday Jun 14, 2021
We‘re back for Season 5! (Trailer)
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Wolé and Tobi are back for the fifth season of the 20s Convos podcast!
But is there a rule as to how long trailers are supposed to be? 😂
On this "trailer" they speak about what their time-off producing new episodes have been like and share a bit about the new things coming up.
Remember to subscribe, drop us a review, or leave a rating wherever you listen to your podcast. Also, share the podcast with a friend as well; those small efforts really help us grow! 💫
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Monday Jun 07, 2021
...on identity capital, deep things, and facing struggles
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Another bonus episode to start off your monday ✨ (we'll be back soon 😉)
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The Yellow Pill Podcast
We are Wole and Tobi, childhood Nigerian friends now living on different continents & chasing different dreams.
By day, Wole is pursuing a PhD and Tobi is running a startup. By night, we become social artists by inviting guests into our learning experience.
Each week, we step outside the algorithm to take on familiar dilemmas and wicked problems and try to make sense of them.
Sometimes we reach shared understandings and single truths, other times we agree to disagree.
So if you are expecting intimate conversations, piercing thoughts, and provocative questions that can change the way you experience the world and yourself, then the yellow pill is for you.
Each dose of the yellow pill has a side-effect of unsettling truths mixed with innocent ignorance - which is exactly what we need in our strange and unsettling times.
Use the hashtag #theyellowpillpod to spread the word and follow us on Instagram: @theyellowpillpod